الصين أفضل قفل أثاث المكاتب, قفل الخزانة أوديإم / OEM مصنعين

البريد الالكترونى: info@emakelocks.com تل:+86-592-6367170


أقفال المفاتيح/

M3 عالية الأمن صندوق ودائع آمن كام قفل مع براءة اختراع دولية

مادي:سبائك الزنك

منته:الكروم مشرق,nickel

Rotation:اكثر 16 millones


  • تفاصيل المنتج
  • البعد
  • الأسئلة الشائعة
  • استخبار

International patent locking structure over 16 million key combinations, anti-theft, anti-drilling, anti-prying, multi-security mechanism equipped with unique key which can not easily be replicated.



  • New key system with disc in disc design.
  • Anti pick and anti drill, high secuity.
  • International Patent.
  • Master key system available.

Q: متى ستقوم بترتيب الإنتاج?
A: عادة ما نقوم بترتيب الإنتاج فور استلام دفعتك إذا كان لدينا العنصر في المخزون. خلاف ذلك, يرجى التأكيد معنا للحصول على مهلة.

Q: What is a cam lock locker?
A: Cam Locks are a type of commonly used Lock for many applications such as lockers, safety boxes, cabinets, and drawers. Because of this there are many different types and sizes of Cam Lock and this can make identifying them tricky.

Q: Why is it called a cam lock?
A: Cam locks are L-shaped locking mechanisms that are used to secure cabinets, lockers and other enclosures. They consist of two main parts: a cylindrical keyed nut and a tongue bar (also known as a cam).

Q: What are the advantages of cam lock?
A: The main advantage of cam locks is that they are very easy to install and use. They are also relatively inexpensive. Cam locks can be made of different materials, including brass, فولاذ, and plastic.

Q: Why use cam locks?
A: Cam locks provide a long-lasting solution and prevent theft of private mail. Cam locks are found in many applications within the automotive industry, including campers and motorhomes, fuel filler caps, trailer hitch locks, roof racks and much more.

Q: How strong are cam locks?
A: Durability: Heavy-duty cam locks are built to last. They can withstand intentional damage from would-be thieves, resist corrosion and damage from the elements, and remain strong throughout years of use.





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